Sita Ramam

Sita Ramam

2022-08-05 (IN) Romance, Drama 2h 38m

85 %


Afreen, a rebellious Pakistani student sets ablaze the car of an Indian in London. Angered Afreen returns to Pakistan to ask for money from her grandfather that she has to pay in a month's time as damages. However, she gets to know that he is no more and the only thing he has left for her is a letter-delivering task, written by Ram to Sita. As Afreen sets out to find Ram, there begins her journey of discovering the secret behind the 20-year-old letter.


Afreen, a rebellious Pakistani student sets ablaze the car of an Indian in London. Angered Afreen returns to Pakistan to ask for money from her grandfather that she has to pay in a month's time as damages. However, she gets to know that he is no more and the only thing he has left for her is a letter-delivering task, written by Ram to Sita. As Afreen sets out to find Ram, there begins her journey of discovering the secret behind the 20-year-old letter.

Hanu Raghavapudi


Amazon Prime Video

Middle East | Fri, Aug 5th - 25th, 2022 | 0th Week
District Shows Audience Occupancy H.F#/almost Grossx
15.95 %
₹1,22,68,121 100%
Sita Ramam

636 13099 16.21 3


^Inflated Gross: ₹1.29 crore
#housefull/almost sold out weekend/holiday missing shows
open-weekend +-% ~from day1

^Inflated Gross is determined exclusively from average inflation rates. Read more