Profile Picture Tovino Thomas

Tovino Thomas

# Movie Audience Gross
movie poster Anweshippin Kandethum (2024) 490281 ₹7.63CR
movie poster 2018 (2023) 4546752 ₹66.32CR
movie poster Neelavelicham (2023) 96442 ₹1.55CR
movie poster Thallumaala (2022) 1309847 ₹18.91CR
movie poster Vaashi (2022) 77157 ₹1.16CR
movie poster Dear Friend (2022) 22355 ₹34.19L
movie poster Naradan (2022) 38296 ₹57.36L
movie poster Kala (2021) 87459 ₹1.24CR
movie poster Forensic (2020) 291671 ₹4.18CR
movie poster Edakkad Battalion 06 (2019) 93338 ₹1.24CR

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